Published Power BI reports and Dashboards and Deployed Website

Reports and dashboards are complex and consist of many elements. There is an option in Power BI to create mobile layout. Also we can embed them in the current page. However, to ilustrate the enormous capabilities of Power BI I have desided to publish them on separate web sites. That way they are also easy to read, comprehend and convenient to test their dynamic (interactive features).

Normally it is not recomended to publish company reports in public accesible websites. All of the data sets and reports are build with fictitious data. Their purpose is for educational and demonstration purposes. None of the company names or products have true origin.

In order to test the interactivenes of the reports, click on parts of the graths and check out how numbers are changing. To land back to this page click on the "Go to dev. Site" button located next to the company logo on the first page of the reports. Some reports have several pages. Use the arrows on the bottom to navigate to other pages.

Westcoast bank

This is a bank report with branches in several west coast US states

Go to Report

Galaxy Adventures

Regional ans Sales report with many interactive features. Drill to the Report

Go to Report

Human Resources

Multi page multi category report showing from different aspects. Explore all the pages

Go to Report

Multilingual Deployed Website

I bought the domain name. Designed and wrote the code, as well as deployed it on the hosting server.

Go to Website